Asinine Lupin reviews The Fuma Conspiracy!

Asinine Lupin reviews The Fuma Conspiracy!

The latest episode of the Asinine Lupin podcast is now available!

Your hosts with the most from the land down under, Cleon and Ben, have been busy since we guest starred on their seventh episode. The pair are now ten episodes into their show and are still going strong.

The latest episode, Deus Ex Katana, features a special guest interview with Joey Weiser (of Japanese film podcast Toho Yaro fame) along with opinions on the 1987 OVA film, The Fuma Conspiracy / Plot of the Fuma Clan.

Check out the episode below, or if you would rather subscribe on your audio player of choice, click on one of the following links: Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes,, Listen Notes, Radio Public, Chartable, You can also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter.

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